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Who are our members?



Our members are a variety of the best property owners in the world looking for relief from those dreadful maintenance fee each year. They are an array of deeded, RCI, II, and other exchange members. We provide the best service in the industry of alternative solutions for Timeshare owners. Becoming a vacation owner is a smart decision, and when it comes to vacation ownership, Total Resort Solutions is the ultimate partner. We’ve been providing solutions to vacation owners with complete satisfaction and our experience and industry relationships provide our Registered Members with access to large amount of internet traffic and thousand of interested corporate and personal travelers all over the world.

We are the first to admit that the timeshare Rental/Resale industry is more competitive today than ever before! That’s why we strive to be the first to launch ground-breaking technology advancements, innovative new products, and enhanced membership benefits.


If you are a RCI Member..

RCI members have the greatest advantages over other members. Realty should always be an investment, including Timeshares but they are not always a good investment. Even the company that sells you the Timeshare will admit, its not a good investment but we will change that for you. In most cases of timeshare owners any return is a good return. Most RCI members have unused time that could rack up to a LARGE return on investment (ROI). If you have banked up a large amount of points/weeks then you are in the best opportunity to earn a return. If you dont have much time banked, you are still in a great position.

Add a Guest Certificate â€“ An RCI Guest Certificate allows you to give the gift of vacation to your friends and family – whether it’s an exchange vacation or an Extra Vacations getaway!

Visit RCI website, Click HERE


If you are a deeded Member..

Our deeded member have the capability to earn some money back from all or some of their unused deeded time. The number one solutions we offer for this solutions is to Rent out that unused time. The give the owners the options to rent year after year or one year at a time.

Top Destinations

Sydney, AUS

Madrid, ESP

Lisbon, PRT

Berlin, DEU

Barcelona, ESP

New York, NY

Amsterdam, NLD

London, GBR

Rome, ITA

Paris, FRA

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